Whether creating a new workspace or making changes to your current one, the focus on maintaining a healthy office building has never been more important. When the work environment provides an optimal atmosphere for employee health, employees are more productive and have fewer absences. When the topic turns to healthy workplaces many people immediately think of sanitary practices, especially during the time of a public health crisis. Sanitation is a key component of a healthy office environment, ...
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Schedule Your Fall and Winter 2020 Events Now
Around the globe, Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the daily operations of countless businesses. Though the closing of business doors is perhaps one of the most evident symptoms of the global pandemic on the worldwide economy, it’s also highly visible in the number of business events that have been canceled or postponed by owners across the United States. In a survey performed by PCMA, it’s been found that 87 percent of those consulted in the survey have canceled important business events while ...
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Buffalo Bills 2020 Season Most Anticipated Matchups
With a season record of 10 to 7, it’s no wonder all eyes have been drawn to the young but talented Buffalo Bills in 2020. This New York team not only has something to prove but promises a very interesting season if the team’s game schedule for 2020 has anything to say about the upcoming action. Furthermore, the Buffalo Bills will be spending much more time playing during highly televised prime time slots thanks to the support of die-hard fans, allowing more people to see how the team works ...
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Decorating Your Loft Space
The open layout of lofts in Buffalo can make decorating tricky; if you try to arrange the space like you would a multi-room apartment, you may run into issues. As you design the décor, you have to keep lofts’ unique shape and characteristics in mind. Fortunately, you can create a comfy, inviting home with the following tips.
Ways You Can Create An Amazing Loft Space with Home Decor
Plan Before You Decorate
Before you start decorating your apartment, have a solid plan. Everything needs to fit ...
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Ways to Show Appreciation for First Responders
First responders deserve recognition today and every day. They put their lives on the line, sacrifice for the greater good and commit themselves, heart and soul, to protecting others.
We want to give them a little extra support during these difficult times – one-way Ellicott Development has been doing this is offering discounted rates at our hotels. While many people are avoiding travel at this time, for some, traveling may be an emergency necessity. We want to make sure if our first ...
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How to Furnish Your Rental Without Breaking the Bank
It can be so much fun to move into a new place. You have a brand-new blank canvas, one you can decorate exactly how you want to make it a true home.
Moving to a new apartment for the first time can be especially fun because you might not have a lot of furnishings to bring with you. If that’s the case, you really will have the opportunity to design your new home with a distinct style in mind.
There’s just one problem.
Decorating a new place can be expensive.
You’re envisioning a ...
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Why Lighting Matters in the Workplace
When you’re trying to do the best and most efficient work, you’ll probably plan on getting an extra cup of coffee, tuning in to some “get focused” music, or giving yourself a zing from some essential oil aromatherapy.
You’re using your senses to get yourself in optimal condition for digging into your work. However, there might be one sense you’re forgetting about and taking for granted: your vision.
Workplace lighting can have a big impact on your mood, productivity and well-being. ...
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