Allentown will soon have an additional eight residential units when Ellicott Development completes their conversion of the former Allentown Athletix building on Allen, near Delaware Avenue. The project will likely be wrapping up within the next two weeks with four loft style, one-bedroom units and four, two-bedroom units. Several of the units have already been leased.
Each of the units vary in their layouts and orientation making for some interesting space. The four loft style units are situated in the former squash courts which feature incredibly high ceilings and refurnished original hardwood flooring. The apartments range between 800 to 1,350 square feet. There is first floor commercial space in the former pool house, with space available from 900 to 1,800 square feet.
Several original windows are being restored, while the replacements will be new aluminum windows which are historically accurate, rather than flat, vinyl, and characterless. Even the simple dentil cornice facing Allen Street is being repaired and restored.
A two-story portion of the complex that had been modified over the years was demolished. It originally housed a bowling alley for the adjacent University Club which Ellicott Development converted to residential space and renamed The Bellesara in 2001.
The brick corners of the building have been retained and will remain to serve as a visual reminder to the scale and location of the demolished building. A series of brick pavers from the demolished building will be inlaid in the ground linking the two corners to further solidify the visual. The space will serve as parking for the residential and commercial space, enclosed by a decorative fence and landscaping.
Get Connected: Ellicott Development, 716.854.006
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